
Friday, May 27, 2011

Guo Jing Claire Kwok


Name: Guo Jing

original name: Guo Boyu

English Name: Claire

Birthday: August 5, 1980

Constellation: Leo

blood type: B-type

Height: 160cm

Weight: 45kg

Eyes: Black

Language: Mandarin

Birthplace: Hong Kong

family members: Parents, Brother

favorite things to do: singing , hop cheerleading, shopping

the most troubling things: not as a weight-reduction

the most embarrassing thing: When performing slip

favorite sports: cheerleading (competitive), Volleyball

most proud of thing: the whole school was singing and cheering the first
Monster cheerleading competition in Japan in the Asian Cup the first overseas group
favorite kind of the opposite sex: sense of humor, will campaign to get along without effort.

Idol: Stefanie, Avril children, Mavis Fan

Gloomy Lammy, Parappa, Powerpuff Girls, bling bling stuff, or the lovely and special t-shirt

favorite types of movie:
pure love, comedy

Favorite Music Type:
Rock Lyrics and R & B

favorite male singer: Chemical super man, Jay, Gary

favorite female singer:
Stefanie, Avril children, Mavis Fan

Favorite Album: Mavis Fan Darling 』『 her as black 』『 days

greatest wish: to thin, the singing is good, more reading, do not live up to my expectations

My Favorite Song By Claire :

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